We present a comprehensive characterization study of open-source message queueing or message-oriented middleware (MOM) systems. We followed a rigorous methodology to select and study ten popular and diverse MOM systems. For each system, we examine 42 features with a total of 134 different options. We found that MOM systems have evolved to provide a framework for modern cloud applications through high flexibility and configurability and by offering core building blocks for complex applications including transaction support, active messaging, resource management, flow control, and native support for multi-tenancy. We also identify that there is an opportunity for the community to consolidate its efforts on fewer open-source projects.
We have also created an annotated data set that makes it easy to verify our findings, which can also be used to help practitioners and developers understand and compare the features of different systems. For a wider impact, we make our data set publicly available.
- Wael Al-Manasrah
- Zuhair AlSader
- Tim Brecht
- Ahmed Alquraan
- Samer Al-Kiswany